Monday, September 28, 2009

maybe we're trying to hard

Empty – the click five
Well fuckin Bao is being a douche making me look like a fucking idiot
At work for fuck sakes
The fucking managers are coming down on me like fkn Hiroshima
Fucking hell
I don’t want to talk to Bao for a while
And fuckin Kyle but that is over
He fkn cancels his fkn shift 30 mins before his supposed to start
Fuck I dunno where the fuck I’m supposed to hide my face
. . . .Fuck
Oh yes back to when I was wondering if people liked me
I was just thinking the other day like wow
It never occurred to me that I could be hated or disliked
Coz I mean I say a lot of shit and do a big shit
But I’ve always thought I was like sometimes fun and like cool
But maybe maybe
I’m annoying or outspoken maybe
maybe people don’t want to hear me say yeah ur bum look big in them jeans
Even if it is true
But fuck its confusing
Almost life changing
Hmmmmmm yeah well everyone pisses me off
And if you think youre pissed at me
Then guess what ? IM MORE PISSED AT YOU
Ill go to sleep and never come back to this treacherous world
Today work was bludge . . . . this week , week one on holidays,
I worked weds, thurs, fri, and suns
Still on the first week,
Monday i went coles to meet up with kyle, had pizza chilled at the park for ages
Then it rained . so we were liek shit . . .
Tuesday went stefs abit of catching up and a lil talking bout the changes and shit
And yeha that was my fuckin first week
How wasted
OH adn on Friday went ngans and liek yeha just kickin back liek gangSTARS which was aiight
Had choc ripple cake which was interesting i wanan make it one day
Tasted quite good , but i wont admit it
Played abit of ds with ngans bro
Like DAYUM his actually pretty good
Farrr out
Andn final destination . . . . . nyahhh
I dnt liek watching movies much
But yeha
Then went to fkn work which was quite crazy
. . . . . . . .
I need to grow some balls
I might all nighter it tonight
Goodnight honeydew

OH shit i almost forgot
i finally know how you girls felt about the whole . . .nyah

Saturday, September 19, 2009

dont ask me to explain myself, because i cant

happy birthday steven
i respect you very alot
have fun and think

hmm where should i start?
ill talk about shine
on wedsday
that was mega shiiittttt
like fuzzman
and frgn kyle so frgn annoying lol
i used to think maria had a really good voice
but now i think ive gotten too used to her
:\ its alll gooood

thurs had work which was . . . . nyahhh whatever

friday had robertohs
which was . . . . unusually fun
i walked in late with S, V, C, N, A, B and P
and was liek whered evryone go ?
but the music was loud and the ppl were pumped so
it was a good night
except for little things that just . . . . yeah
where the hell did she GOOOO
im quite surprised i didnt chuck though which is a plus
and fkn that knt screaming moths gosh damnit
i fkn bruised my ankle and arms but my ankle feels the fuckedest
mmmm freee alki, kinda
and i even talked to ppl i dont normally talk to at school
so i guess that means i have to say hello more :\
but yeha i guesss its okay
i didnt properly sleep till like four i dunno why
and then i woke up early :\
like 11-12 ish i think
hmmm what else happened ?
besides michelle saroh and staycay coming . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
yeahhhhhh anyways
fkn i gave out liek fkn 5 smokes
thats frgn 20% of a deck and a deck costs round 13 bucks
farrrr oh well they didnt seem like assholes yet '
OH LOLOL when phuong pushed that ralph/raph guy lol
shes so awsomeee
hmm yeah thats all for now

i shall now get ready to pick up A from work n go n see J

Sunday, September 13, 2009

maybe it best if i dont understand

once a mother fucking gain
im left looking liek the fucking stoopid idiot
fucking hell i need to push the shovel away and just jump in teh hole already
fucking hell .
i cant believe those guys were smoking up and no one noticed
but yeah what can we do anyways

fuck sakes i was right
damn you gut feeling
fuck im a gutless wonder

anyways lets talk about something fun ish
well i drove to fucking sunshine
yeah ima fucking hard kunt nigguh shit
donr fuck around with me
AND LOL i fucking pissed on truongs car door handle LOLOLOLO
on the drivers side of course
and i cock blocked tina from truong
HAHA sorry truong not tonight

besides that everything was just . yeha

lol i totally went 120+
im a fkn siknt
well now im tired with matsh hw to do
and busman to study for but i cant and i wont coz
i have to clean my room and sleep
fuck what was with all the beer
and all the fkn guys
ratio was fkn 4:1 AND 4 beign the guys
fucks ssakes
oh well not liek it would have made a difference anyways

fuck what the hell do i do
i feel so angry
and i can feel it stiring inside ripping up my guts while i put this fugly poker face on
i need some . . . pain killers
cbf though
fuck it im gunna clean my room now
and maybe i can sleep it off
maybe i can sleep it away
maybe everyone will go fuck themsleves
good night "friends"
have fun watching me fall to pieces
i dunno how to spell it olevua orevwa
omgee i googled it no where close
Au revoir

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

let change take its course

okay okay okay
no stress
i think ive re-fridgeted
now that i think about it
it makes more sense
and no one would question it
coz it seems reasonable

but anyways, ineeda gym
my arms are looking skinny
im hungry, yeahh
today i had.
potato scallops, jam donut, hotdog w/cheese
then med mighty angus meal with an apple pie
ima go sniff out the kitchen soon
but for now lets finish this one up

lets buy happiness is good
by whoeevr . . . i dunno cbf
well read teh blog before this one its so much better
ima go now fucking goose night