Tuesday, January 12, 2010

missing pieces

life is quite good now
i feel extra popular during this period
im busy and happy and everyone else seems great
but i dont know,
i feel somethings missing
or maybe im just finding an excuse to hate again
yeah i was called ungrateful lately.
mayeb i am . oh well. doesnt really bother me toooooo much

abit very confused. but thats so normal i cbf that shit
yeha im thinking im two faced, but you might call it being polite
or just two faced. but the anger that i "express". i wouldnt even call anger
its just facial expressions and hand movements. not emotion

okay being two faced and anger have nothnig to do with each other.
damn my poor structuring skills. :@

enough for now.
no not the fray, just no.
goodnight, and sorry if i ever back stabbed you.
shame on me . ha ha ha.

1 comment:

  1. Yeahhhhh i think im missing something too ):
    Gosh I dont know what to say lols..but I commented,no?
    Guess who I want to kiss in the rain ;)
