Sunday, March 15, 2009

is it okay if i asked you to stay ??

omg am i willing to ditch my xanga for dis shit ??
yeha i guess
a passage from the gospel of " definitely maybe" [ movie ]
Why do I want to marry you??I want to marry you because you’re the first person I look at when I wake up in the morning,And the only one I want to kiss goodnight,Because the first time when I saw these hands, I couldn’t imagine not being able to hold them, But mainly, when u love someone as much as I love you,Getting married is the only thing left to do
i pulled my pants down teh first tim ei heard that
but yeah anyways
ima escape chem and pick up psych hopefully
and business is gay too so ima drop taht shit
i wish i could leave everthing behind and just . . . . ZAP
life truly is a burden
a burden i have to bare
are you single or should i wait in line ?? . . .wtf as if u got a chance with this
she said to me
im like dayum girl
[ not literally ]
i wish
i dont ?
a new blog is calling
i dont
i dont want to be shallow
i dont want to judge
i dont want to be so selfish
i dont wan to be so ignoran tto teh homeless
i dont want to just sit there and pretend im happy
i dont want just look
i dont want this path
i dont want to be this way
i dont want to feel this way
i dont wan tthese painfully happy memories
i dont want these scars
i dont want to look up
i dont want to get my hopes up
i dont want to be negative
i dont want to be so clueless
i dotn even want to fkn blog
i dont want to be part of th ecrowd
i dont want to be liek the rest
i dont want to be a sentence in ur book
i want to be happy
i want to emacipate
i wanto be a chapter in ur story
iwant to be everythnig i couldnt be
i want to smile like i mean it
i want tobe positive
i want you
i want everything
i want to look forward to something
i want to be cleansed
i want to be generous
i dont want to think such nasty thoughts
i want to be someone
i want something to belive in
i want a goal
iwant to fukngi shut the fuck up
for fucks sakes omfgfgflmkhdsvbjonvibu;
fuck you
i want to scream
i want o sing
i wan tto feel comfortable
i want to be a good friend
i want to live again
is that too much to ask ??
im sorry for everything
and thannkful for you
but ashamed of me
and confused about her
but certain about you
but angry at him
but all i know is that im gongi to pu tthis on xanga some time later


  1. xanga can suck balls blogspot is the G's way. So angry pavis is this about "insert name".

  2. No
    lol insert
    u know wats afunny word
    bu tno not here
    different ppl
