Thursday, August 27, 2009

pavis is so rat

im tryin not to fly to high
but teh crash shouldnt be too bad
its been an okay/shit week
meaning nothing good has happened

My life is a packet of original chips
its not too bad like
it COULD be better but
at least i have a lil salt
i mean you can deal with it if your hungry but it doesnt FULLY satisfy you
but yeha i always want more

FUCK its only thurs day and my $180 pay is fucking gone
like WTFF did i spend it on??
lets see
maccas like 15 mighty angus meal and one by itself
nandos chicken wrap with perinaise 15
jabbawocks 55
loans pressie chip in 40
loans food 10
the cake 5
and fucking 20 for fucking kyles ticket which i better get back fukin :@
oh and maccas again another 10
but i had 10 bucks before my pay too so . . . .
oh yeah school food n bus tickets . . .
15+15+55+40+10+5+20+10 = 170
fuck in two mother fucking days
fucking maccas
and fucking nandos . wasnt even that hungry
and fucking kyle fucking unorganised fuck

well at least half of it was well spent ?

gosh, giving up on crushing has kind of made me happier
no disappointments no anger
just pure jealousy. ill deal with you later

the old me is dead and gone
but i really miss the older older me
kind of, only slightly
he was nicer, genuinely. not this forced niceness
that comes out of pity of this pride filled shell
less worries i miss that view of the world

the old me. hate that song
fuck im such a mother fucking rat
and it wasnt even worth it
i deserve a slash on the back
a good bleed is all i need

i propose a challenge
whoever can get the thanh guy to talk
like full convo stuff
i will give him/her $20
for real
i want to but the moment never comes

this has been a long enough blog
its been a pleasure typing my shit onto teh screen
my asshole hurts now
so goodnioght
and i want you to know
if you think youve got me all figured out
then you can go fuck yourself

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