Monday, May 31, 2010

you're not in this thing alone

theres always a place in me you can call home.
fight for this love - cheryl cole.

so my big day is soon. :(
wtf fuck am i doing ?
how the fuck am i doing it ?
i wanan go out on friday but both my budget and unorganisation
is stopping me
how did it ever come to this
i thought i was teh organised one
the one who would plan ahead and not stress . . . . .

im just sitting waitin wishing
for someone to talk to me about the untalkable
we all know bits and pieces but noones curious?
i guess not

yeha what happened to me.
im a dog that hates when friends dog me out
im a "when you do it your an arsehole, when i do it, its okay" guy
am i happy with who i am ?

alot of shit can happen in so little time
it kinda scares but amazes me
my birthday sounds shit
i dont even want to do it anymore
but fuck its too late now
but i want a party but not at my house :|
fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck.
too much homework
too little time
too little money
too much on my mind

fuck ing ray gee
i dont know what im doing
i dont know where im going
but i do know i dont want to do it alone.

the end.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

somethings not right

which means somethings wrong ?
it just means its not right
just stfu

so like i dont know how i am.
not quite good
not quite bad
not quite okay

its just all these mixed shit
im so lost and i dont even know if its my world im in.

i dont feel like blogging

Thursday, May 13, 2010

four fucks ache

i dunno how long i can keep this up
fucking hell, i must have the worst luck with women
lol or maybe its just me
but i wont change.
not willingly anyways
not "oh fuck i needa be a better person"
"oh now im a good person, ive changed, im differnt"
Shut the fuck up. your only fooling yourself.
fuck that shit

what will i do?
option A: bottle it up until i explode
option B: drink until im happy (temporarily)
option C: puch some walls, break my fingers
option D: be depressed, take it out on my friends
option E: be emo and beg for attention
option F: brush it off liek its nothing, get over it
option G: change who i am as a person(pffftt)
option H: scream/cry/cut myself/whatever
option I: stfu and stop bitching
option J: be everything im not

see im a little bit lost without you
and im bloody big mess inside

fuck, not like theres anything i can do anyways
im not gonna get all sad and depressed
over something i could have but didnt do.

i needa get my shit together.
but i know i wont hahaha
i guess i'll just hope for the best and expect the worse

and again

and again.

goodnight can i be sure about you when i can never be sure of myself?

pss. thats not even a ps.

Monday, May 3, 2010

i really need a wish right now

take my photo off the wall if it just wont sing for you,
cause all thats left has gone away and theres nothnig there for you to prove.

fuck your life.

Newton's Third Law of Motion:
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

yeah im not that angry.
but im pretty fucking angry

oh sorry alice btw.
i dunno why at that moment.
maybe cos im so comfortable around you?

but i have been hearing that word quite often lately.
or maybe im just paying attention now ?
i dunno wtf my problem is.

so so jealous.
so so envious.
so so fkn rage.
but its okay.
not really but yeah
you cant help it.
i can but i refuse.


nah im not gunna complain over something i can but wont change.

not really a blogging mood anymore.

time to studyyyyy