Monday, October 24, 2011

a wolf in sheepskin.

its been a busy time for me,
sleep till four in the afternoon, play games, eat, watch stuff ive already seen, eat, games, look at my empty email inbox, watch more stuff sleep at 6am.

im gonna check my email.
. . . . . empty as usual.

i feel like im fading into the background,
just watching as eveything happens around me.

women are such bitches.

im so angry.

what is wrong with the world.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

fuck the bullshit.

i just wanna dig a hole to sleep in
and never wake up.

i think i really am sick of this shit.
fucking hell.

so umproductive and meaningless and wasteful.


Thursday, June 30, 2011

your eyes bleed pain.

the shittest day ive had in a very long time.
i want to make myself cry, but its too early to pretend im sleeping in my bed.

i wish i had a really big giant teddy bear in my room so i can just curl myself up on its lap and wrap he's empty arms around me.


melodramatic ? i think so. (in a tone that implies yes)

my bed might have just got californicated.
but my reaction is slow as usual.
if my subconsciousness had a body of its own, the world as we know it would blah.

what is happening.

nothing seems to make sense anymore.

the fog may be gone, but i still dont see where i'm going.
show me the way.

Friday, April 1, 2011

im losing track of what titles i have used

far out. my first blog for the year, and i opened up with an old unfinished blog.
good in one way, and better in another.
im pretty fucking depressed, or maybe im confusing depression with confusion.
but being confused makes me feel sad and helpless :(
lol i just read my work.
confusing with confusion. YOU FUCKING REPETITIVE WHORE !!
i dont know what to do with my life.
i dont want to waste away, but i dont want to speed through either.
i remember in year 8, me and the guys used to ride our bikes to maccas like daily.
and then maybe in year 9 when bikes werent cool anymore we'd walk.
and what we realized was that when we walked, we would find "cool" things on the floor and we'd talk more it was just a lot more enjoyable than riding our bikes.
yeah. you know what i mean.
i cant be bothered further discussing this idea anymore.
cbf. goodnight.

i just want you to know who i am

i actually made this on 26th july 2009 and i honestly dont remember anything about this blog. and im quite very sure there was a very good reason to why i didnt post this. unless i genuinely forgot to click post or someshit. but its got me all curious. and i really wanna know whether i was rushing through the blog or like drunk or something.

OMFG HOLY FUCKING SHIT I THINK I REMEMBER !! LOLOLOLOLOLOL im so fucking funny LOL im such a sook. omgeeeeeeeeeee wow. FUCKING LOL. wow. i feel like such a dickhead now. okay okay i remember everything now. gosh. dramatic much? i was. . . . maybe i still am? a drama ass queen. so naive. im glad i found this. original title btw. but why ? stupid title for this post. and original spelling mistakes. im so coOoOoOl.

your thinking why is he so stuopi? well u wnaan fucking know why ? \because his fucking infatuated blided by love and all its mother fucking glory fuck i knew i always jknew' it infatuation kills a fcuknig blender ripping me up inside out so i can pour my aherat out for everyone to look upon and shame me the fuck off wel you know hwhat fuck you ill do whatevr makes me happy so you can take your fucking school books and hold ur chin up hign get the fuck outta here

** there was originally breaks and shit but it keeps fucking up on me !!

thank goodness i learnt HTML !!