Wednesday, November 11, 2009

maybe im a desperate believer

yeah i was worknig on a post and then i deleted it . . . yeah
it was only like four lines anyways.

love love love love love
oh how i hate you so
infatuation, lust and desire
then theres consequence,
shame and regret

fkn i forgot to make a wish gosh damnit

yeah im just gunna try not to
intrest myself into women for a while
its just a waste of time anyways
and its not liek im gunna grow a pair

frgn i needa rethink everything
but everytime i do i just piss myself off or
find an excuse to rage at someone
id rather not

i just remembered on friday how maria was all like
no this isnt the way this isnt the way
and i was liek 10000000000% sure it was
but she doubted me :@
and nikkie was all like no this isnt the stop
and yes, it was
but no we got off the next one
and walked a block back . . . . .

but yeha mayeb coz im more wrong then i am right
and coz i dont speak with confidence?

you know what i want
a damzel in distress that can look after herself
its liek
she needs me there, but only to watch
or something

this blog was a waste of time
and im so drained from doing nothing

goodbye love i hope i dont see you for a long time
and just coz i smile and talk to you
it doesnt mean i liek you
its all fake
im just not that mean


  1. You emo kid.
    But that actually sounds kind of cool
    a damzel in distress that can look after herself and yeah lols
    Todays hug sucked.
    See you tomorrowssssss.

  2. yea the damsel in distress thing was..oddly poetic?
    amusing one the less ;D
