Wednesday, October 28, 2009

i just want to kill you

this blog may get confusing

ima start off when i was cleaning the pot thing
coz i umwait yeah
okay today i came home from school and mum has to go to work on weds after work
yeah two jobs
but anyways before she left
what do you want to eat she asks
i say i dunno nothnig
so she steams egg n veges together liek a steamed omlette
anyways she says ten minute
i say alright ten minutes
twenty minutes pass and she calls me and asks if i checked teh food
i say yes (obviouslynot) so i go checked it
I THOUGHT i turned it off but i actually left it on low

i take regular trips to the kitchen right
btw im home alone
and everytime i go there the pot is still steaming
i thought iwas mega odd even after three hours
i didnt think id leave the fire on
so yeah
at liek 8 i go coles come back round 8 40
and the house smells like burntish chicken
so i look at the kitchen
and if the light wasnt off i wouldnt have seen
that fire under the pot

and i turn it off
and go to my room coem back
look inside the pot
and its fkn black and flakey
i stress a lil
then i scrubbed it mega hard till it was clean
i was liek wow
i thought the metal was breaking
but it was just residue
so yeah lucky me

during the time i cleaned the pot i thought up everything i was gunna type on my blog
even that very line that i would type up every thing i thought
and i was in that trance for a while
and omgeee there this handwash in my bathroom
aloe and blueberry liek wtfff
smell so frgn good
makes me wanna eat my hands
but yeha
i thouht of blogging that too

fuck i forgot everythign i wanted to type
anyays at coles i bought cheese tubes , flavoured mineral water and deoderant
roll on . NO CFCS mother fucker
ill chop ya kunt

Yeah sorry about that ive been a lil very stressy lately
fuck i dnt even know why im stressing about sarahs
its not even my fucking party
and fucking ppl pissing me off
and btw someone is lying
its either kyle or risa
they are telling me two different things
and ive asked them
so the only way i can find out who the liar is
is by confronting them both at thye same time
which i will this sunday
ima fucking rage
coz im fucking pissed
i dotn give a shit if i lose a "best" friend
or never talk to my sister ever again

i want the fucking truth
and ill do anything to get it
fuck sakes
i just wanan fucking pop pills and go sky diving or someshit

anything to pop my heart outta my chest
its not liek i need it anyways
fucking hell
and yeah im not gunna "waste" my time
or make myself look liek the retard
im just gunna fkn deal with it
whatever that means

fuck im not gunna blog for a while
goodnight and sweetdreams
i hope you a better day than mine

Monday, October 26, 2009

girl dont make me spank you

fucking bad mother fucking news
fuck i Dont even know wth im suppoosed to do
actually here i go again with the
oh im so lost im a fkn pussy
eat my shit
wtf am i on about ?
ill tell you

no i wont i lied
hahah . . . .
yeah shut up
fucking hell
hehe . . what

im sorry im really

you make me laugh
you make me angry
you make me everything i never wanted to be
its so fucking funny

reality check

yeah i knew it was too good to be true
life was so good
but theres always a catch
or fall

hard to breathe - nikki flores

i need a second opinion from you

thanks for eating my shit
im cute btw

Sunday, October 25, 2009

i feel good :\

Omfffffffffing GEEEEE
Like wtf
Where did that even come from. FUCK
Save me. Actually im alright i dnt need saving
False alarm

fuck im gunna have to hassle to get some money for this so called "end of penis party"
no money no party
no money no penis

I'm so fucking con fucking fused like wtf FFS
i just want to shut down and camouflage into the backdrop

I'm just gunan . . . i dunno
i really fucking dont know
fuck I'm so fucking indecisive
i hate this about me
never can make up my fkn tiny little mind YA FUCKIN
maybe its true . . . . second thought no
no fuck this retard typing with his hoodie on inside the house

i needa break another one
far far away from the city lights and over dramatizations

i was hoping the stars would shine yesterday
but they were cockblocked by the clouds
but then again i was almost cockblocked but then it
actually backfired and i dunno what the word is but yeah
i dunno i really fucking dont
i needa punching bag
but i dont have a place to put it :@
i wanan go gym
but so cbf

to be continued
i dont wann blog anymore bye for now
goodnight love

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

i dont like women,i dont like men, i like couples

i dont want your excuses, i just want you

you and your beautiful soul . . . . . . . . .
BAHAHAHAH im messin with ya
that was sooo ew

okay on my mind atm end of yeah party
okay PPL i wanna ask to go
sophie n her friends
melb girls girls
christina and her friends
and maybe qiqi
BRB im watch tv n FV

okay im back and im a bit blank but ima talk bout my weekend

okay so on friday i got home and fell asleep early :\

then on sat i went to some shitty party

so i ditched that went to city

and had frgn chinese food

frgn im so sick of (most) asian food

. . . yeah then went arcade and by then i was very bleh

actually i think i was liek that all day :s

but anyways

yeah sunday work . . . . . OMFGGGG

YOU IDIOT , everyone

so fucking sick of work, seriously man fuck

yes you are now all men

monday i woke up at 8 24ish

woke up me sis

went back to sleep

then woke up round 10 ish

so i decided to go city and get some book done

instead kristine was there

and we talked most of the time
and i got paiddd for it:D

well that wasa wasted post read THE ONE BEFORE !!

i think ? its better ? ^o)

anyways goodnight nigstars

Thursday, October 8, 2009

im such a fucking pussy

fucking hell
gosh kill me now
coz if you dont the anxiety will
i dont even know if it makes sense
ima go dic anxiety BRB

okay i got it

wow this week has been so shit
i needa adjust back to going school again
school is slower than usual
people talk less too
fkn 30 / 38 for maths test GOSHHHH DAMNIT
D+ for Eng Sac FUCKIN DAHH
i cant find an artwork for multi media . . . . umm fuck?
and bm i well i dont do shit in bm but yeah
and info is always shit as shit

well ive decided to go RAW :$
fuck i needa gather my balls
if i even have any
fuck fuck fuck
i dunno im stressing
im gunna have a break down
. . . . . . . . nah im past that phase
fly now crash later
i love it
but i cant say im full yby it
coz ill always be thinking of teh consequences before i do something
so yeahhhhhhhhhh. .. .

im getting all excited inside now
i dont know if im gunna be able to control myself
but i think its anger too
because im a fucking gutless wonder . . .

fuck okay what have i done lately
hmmmm just alotta sleeping
and liek . . . . yeah

this blog is long enough

Sunday, October 4, 2009

i feel dirty and mean

i got this bad feeling inside of me
i think its guilt
but im not sure if ive really done anything wrong
maybe its all in my head
i feel bad in a good way
im just so upmyself
its getting abit annoying
but it feels so damn good

its like doing something bad
the nerves and adrenaline clash and create
a new level of euphoria
but not as amazing . . . . .
but the point is im feelin good and guilty
and fucking confused
and all this spinning and thinking is making me mad

damn women really do drive me crazy
and its killin me
am i supposed to feel this way
is this the injection before the surgery
which is supposed to imply a happy ending
but we all know they are just as real as santa

hmm today i went crew outing
shit shit shit
but yeah hehehehehe
fuck im so slow
and stupid
but its too late now
oh man now you got me all blushing inside

fuck sakes
anyways where was EYE
oh yeah

i dunno im abit very shaky
and a lil scared
i dunno if i should make a promise i dunno i can keep
whats a metaphor for that ?
hmm anyways

im sick and tired of this shit
goodnight fuckers

Saturday, October 3, 2009

a ha ha fucking ha

yeah i feel pretty fucking good
i had quite a good ass day today
i woke up showered went to brunswick then trammed to city
went halfway to kbox then decided to go maccas to cash out
saw kyle chris n linh in teh kitchen which was pretty kool
talked to tianna (y)
and saw phuong phuong thao n kristine
which was aiight
had half a snack wrap and half a apple pie and a standard mocha with
hazelnut syrup which was frgn good made by thaoo
but i only had half of that too
i felt sickish so yeah
made my way to kbox
met with thanh n jennoh n her bf n her friends
went to . . . what was it ? crown
they had thai food ther and i wanted a thai beef salad
we jst had to leave
which was quite awkward just comnig in and then leaving
and went to wonton house or someshit
when we went in i couldnt stand my sickness
so i went to the bathroom and ejaculated out of my mouth
which felt heapssssss better
then i ordered a small wonton soup and a hot honey lemon
i only had one wonton out of three
and drank half the drink it tasted bitter after

yeah i made new friends which is a plus
i forgot ones name but i will not mention who coz just in case
liek dayum
it was quite awkward coz i was liek not talking to anyone until we went to starbucks
and then i shined liek a white man in africa
the dark side of town not south africa
starbucks was fun just chillaxing
omfg jenny took my jumper :@
gosh i wonder when ill get it back
i should have went karaoke DAMNIT
oh wells

i just grabbed abeer from teh fridge
hope mum isnt too angry
coz i already opened
omgee now i feel stupid
omgee mumss gunna be liek wtf why u drinking omgee
fuck oh well
fuck this beer is good

anyways where were we
oh yee haha
then we went back to mc oh yeah did i mention two girls left after we left crown restaurant ?
oh right befor ewe went in we got cookies from subway which i really did nto want
i had a bite and felt sick so yeeee
got a timetable for soem knt
tehn went to buy tickets for . . . . 500 days of summer i think ? or fame but i did not watch the movie coz i was waiting for kyel to finish work at 9 30 so we can go victors
we chilled at the top level for a while just sitting and talking
and i was feelin pimp
LOL sighhhhhhh
then we said our goodbyes :D
and jenny disappeared with my jumper
and then cindy p disappeared leaving me n cindee n
so we went looking for her tehn me n cn split on swanstonstarbucks
coz kyle was waiting at mc clock and cp was like towards flinders

got to kyle got on the train
fkn stopped at foots coz construction
then fkn bussed to sunshine
then fucking walked to vics house where my mum picked me up
fkn victor
tells us to go to his house and he goes to a party
but i feel bad coz he ran hoem and i couldnt stay there
i ditched kyle at vic house
and as i drove hom,e i saw vic
lucky my mum didnt see

i came home feeling full of myself
and hungry
hungry for more then what i have
you dont know what u got till its gone
they couldnt stop singing that song goshhh
but i love it anywyas

i needa know what i want
i needa know where i wanan go
if yuo stand in the middle of a crossroad for too long your gunan get hit

i needa make a choice and stick to it
i feel like dancing
i needa party
liek party party

fucking holidays are finsihed
