Saturday, October 3, 2009

a ha ha fucking ha

yeah i feel pretty fucking good
i had quite a good ass day today
i woke up showered went to brunswick then trammed to city
went halfway to kbox then decided to go maccas to cash out
saw kyle chris n linh in teh kitchen which was pretty kool
talked to tianna (y)
and saw phuong phuong thao n kristine
which was aiight
had half a snack wrap and half a apple pie and a standard mocha with
hazelnut syrup which was frgn good made by thaoo
but i only had half of that too
i felt sickish so yeah
made my way to kbox
met with thanh n jennoh n her bf n her friends
went to . . . what was it ? crown
they had thai food ther and i wanted a thai beef salad
we jst had to leave
which was quite awkward just comnig in and then leaving
and went to wonton house or someshit
when we went in i couldnt stand my sickness
so i went to the bathroom and ejaculated out of my mouth
which felt heapssssss better
then i ordered a small wonton soup and a hot honey lemon
i only had one wonton out of three
and drank half the drink it tasted bitter after

yeah i made new friends which is a plus
i forgot ones name but i will not mention who coz just in case
liek dayum
it was quite awkward coz i was liek not talking to anyone until we went to starbucks
and then i shined liek a white man in africa
the dark side of town not south africa
starbucks was fun just chillaxing
omfg jenny took my jumper :@
gosh i wonder when ill get it back
i should have went karaoke DAMNIT
oh wells

i just grabbed abeer from teh fridge
hope mum isnt too angry
coz i already opened
omgee now i feel stupid
omgee mumss gunna be liek wtf why u drinking omgee
fuck oh well
fuck this beer is good

anyways where were we
oh yee haha
then we went back to mc oh yeah did i mention two girls left after we left crown restaurant ?
oh right befor ewe went in we got cookies from subway which i really did nto want
i had a bite and felt sick so yeeee
got a timetable for soem knt
tehn went to buy tickets for . . . . 500 days of summer i think ? or fame but i did not watch the movie coz i was waiting for kyel to finish work at 9 30 so we can go victors
we chilled at the top level for a while just sitting and talking
and i was feelin pimp
LOL sighhhhhhh
then we said our goodbyes :D
and jenny disappeared with my jumper
and then cindy p disappeared leaving me n cindee n
so we went looking for her tehn me n cn split on swanstonstarbucks
coz kyle was waiting at mc clock and cp was like towards flinders

got to kyle got on the train
fkn stopped at foots coz construction
then fkn bussed to sunshine
then fucking walked to vics house where my mum picked me up
fkn victor
tells us to go to his house and he goes to a party
but i feel bad coz he ran hoem and i couldnt stay there
i ditched kyle at vic house
and as i drove hom,e i saw vic
lucky my mum didnt see

i came home feeling full of myself
and hungry
hungry for more then what i have
you dont know what u got till its gone
they couldnt stop singing that song goshhh
but i love it anywyas

i needa know what i want
i needa know where i wanan go
if yuo stand in the middle of a crossroad for too long your gunan get hit

i needa make a choice and stick to it
i feel like dancing
i needa party
liek party party

fucking holidays are finsihed


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