Wednesday, October 28, 2009

i just want to kill you

this blog may get confusing

ima start off when i was cleaning the pot thing
coz i umwait yeah
okay today i came home from school and mum has to go to work on weds after work
yeah two jobs
but anyways before she left
what do you want to eat she asks
i say i dunno nothnig
so she steams egg n veges together liek a steamed omlette
anyways she says ten minute
i say alright ten minutes
twenty minutes pass and she calls me and asks if i checked teh food
i say yes (obviouslynot) so i go checked it
I THOUGHT i turned it off but i actually left it on low

i take regular trips to the kitchen right
btw im home alone
and everytime i go there the pot is still steaming
i thought iwas mega odd even after three hours
i didnt think id leave the fire on
so yeah
at liek 8 i go coles come back round 8 40
and the house smells like burntish chicken
so i look at the kitchen
and if the light wasnt off i wouldnt have seen
that fire under the pot

and i turn it off
and go to my room coem back
look inside the pot
and its fkn black and flakey
i stress a lil
then i scrubbed it mega hard till it was clean
i was liek wow
i thought the metal was breaking
but it was just residue
so yeah lucky me

during the time i cleaned the pot i thought up everything i was gunna type on my blog
even that very line that i would type up every thing i thought
and i was in that trance for a while
and omgeee there this handwash in my bathroom
aloe and blueberry liek wtfff
smell so frgn good
makes me wanna eat my hands
but yeha
i thouht of blogging that too

fuck i forgot everythign i wanted to type
anyays at coles i bought cheese tubes , flavoured mineral water and deoderant
roll on . NO CFCS mother fucker
ill chop ya kunt

Yeah sorry about that ive been a lil very stressy lately
fuck i dnt even know why im stressing about sarahs
its not even my fucking party
and fucking ppl pissing me off
and btw someone is lying
its either kyle or risa
they are telling me two different things
and ive asked them
so the only way i can find out who the liar is
is by confronting them both at thye same time
which i will this sunday
ima fucking rage
coz im fucking pissed
i dotn give a shit if i lose a "best" friend
or never talk to my sister ever again

i want the fucking truth
and ill do anything to get it
fuck sakes
i just wanan fucking pop pills and go sky diving or someshit

anything to pop my heart outta my chest
its not liek i need it anyways
fucking hell
and yeah im not gunna "waste" my time
or make myself look liek the retard
im just gunna fkn deal with it
whatever that means

fuck im not gunna blog for a while
goodnight and sweetdreams
i hope you a better day than mine

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