Saturday, April 24, 2010

the problem is . . . .

i dont know if i care or not anymore
maybe im selfish, maybe im heartless
its like i dont give a shit
but its always on the back of my mind
i just dont know what to say or think anymore
but yes, i do acknowledge that its my fault
but no, i wont sit around and hate myself
yeah i made a huge fucking mistake
. . . . i dunno

yeah, as CGYD has pointed out
some of us arent feeling 100%
hmmm, i thought id have more to say about this topic but,
theres nothing i can do or say to make anything better.
i guess these stages of our lives make us or break us
yeah i hate you :(

aha ha ha . . . . .
i know im an idiot, i know this is abad idea
but i cant help it
i dont want what you have to offer
if you know what i mean

i want to talk to you but i dont know how :S
liek wtf. WHERE MY BALLS AT?
like i know you and you know me but
we just dont talk. FUCK YOUR LIFE

i think ive reached that point in my life
like nothing matters, nothing is worth anything
although i know its not true but
its like, were all just wasting away in the end
im not happy, im not sad. im just floating in the medium of life.
theres got to be more to life then just getting wasted all the time

i cant believe i trusted you
fuck sake

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