Sunday, April 26, 2009

living with what if

like what if i dont want to be your shoulder to lean on ??
what if i just want ur shoulder to lean on ??
what if i was an attention seeker
what if i begged you
what if we never met ?? difference ??
what if my name was dominic
what if i fucked you over
what if u never fucked me over
what if i dont care ??

fuck knowing that it makes me a lil bit angry bothers me but then knowing that it bothers me that it makes me a lil angry GETS ME FURIOUS
soo today i ahve not showered yet i woke up at 2 kinda well i stayed in bed listening to my ipod and singing as loud as i can til like 3
and its now 8
and i cbf sgower and im fuking starving and my mums not home
and my dad'
doesnt exactly make super good food
althoguh his scrambled egg i slike woah
bu tyeah
chris ur a tight ass
incase u forgot
but anyways
yeah im pretty pissed atm
not at you chris frigggen
well umm sighhh
wow is it good to see her face well both their faces and the otehr one too bu ti dnt htink she remembers my naem so fuk her
im so curious though hmmm
omg i just realised something
i kind of liek complain that im single
yet i never really do anything about it
wth is my problem
wtf omfg im gunna try my hardest to no tcomplain anymore
im so dumb omgg
bu yeah anyways
i wonder what i would do if i found out i had cancer ??
i was thinking tho
if that is what i need ot live thsi life tehn fuck i am dumb
coz right now i wouldnt call it living
im just staying alive
and its wasting oxygen
but i dnt wanan go to hell so im stay alive a long as possible
fuk i shoydkl hw
i needa do 5b now
so that chris is liek wtf u said u werent gunan do it
but yeah
i mentioned chris twice no now its three times in this blog so ima even it out an mention otehr ppls names
lets say
oh hey alice is bacjk
she be back at school on tues
woo . . . . .
i dunno anymore
but yeha
and liek sophie even though we havent spoken for a while
but yeha thnx fo them drama s even though i havent watched much of it and i broke the covers
but yeha im sorry about that
oh and um m m mm m
hi ngan
hey lucy friggen even though u neevrvevrevrevrvevr blog u crazy friggen bu tyeah anyways
well i better do my multi media and MAHTHS AHAHAHAHAHAHH
gnigth bye fuckers
i love . . . . sighhh

1 comment:

  1. what if i'm the cooliest? wait i am :) ahaha WTF YOU DID 5B?! nah I kinda knew from the beginning. hrmm you love 4 dots who is 4 dots? let's call that person four LOL.
