Saturday, May 30, 2009

i dont know

not that i ever did nor will i ever
whats with this idiot in the mirror
"i left a box of memories lying on the floor"
listening to soem song from ever more remix thing
fuck im so confused and lost and kinda unhappy
i dunno wtf im feeling or what im thinknig
and the night isnt helping either
i thought the walk would but it was too fkn freezing
to thnik of anything
i wanan just cut open a hole and leave this world behind then coem back a hundred years later
and then mayeb id realise what i had
then id go back in time and enjoy . . . whatever it is that i have
or had , or going to have
but yeah
bloody hell
put me out of my misery
MY love - JT.
who are your friends
who are your loved ones
who do you think abotu at night
who do you think of when you wake up
who do you dream about
who can make your day with just a smile
who who WHOO
only you
but no
there is no you
there is no me
just an empty shell
and with a crazy labyrinth inside
so lets not lose ourselves
"i need to start to be myself, cause im sick of everybody else"
well i found out i missed a really good party a lil pissed but then i dnt want to be so i wont be
but yeah
i needa good breakdown
thats all and ill be fine
fucking hell
i neeeda sleep this off fuckers
goodfucking night
save me from myself

whats this rolling down my cheek

no im not sad but it sounds fuking good
well this weeek has certainly been a good one
til today
it was all yeah wow woo hoo
now its like neaahhhwww BZHT
(aeroplane noise then crash)
but yeha i guess its called balance
anyways atm
im a lil pissed, cold, sore eyed and sorry
well ive been in a prettyy shtty mood all day which kinda pisses me off
but yeha
thats okay
yeah cbf continue soon bye

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

WTF is my problem ?

a question im too familiar with
yet ive never really figured this one out
fucken wth
well ima change this blog to
well today i went work
did dining took me an hour and ten minutes
frginn i dont wanan do it anymiore
apparently its supposed to be done in 30-40 mins im liek wth
. . . . . . . . how you liek them apples

it MIGHT be for the best
might MIGHT
then it MIGHT not as much as it might fuck
how do you know
well theres only one way
but thats just as stoopid as saying it might be for the best

one day i wanna feel satisfied
i wanna feel liek what i have is good enough
i need to know that this isnt a wild goose chase
that there reallt is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

but it almost seeems impossible
but nothing is impoosible
i hope
fuck , im so . . . i was gunna say unstable but i cant figure out why
so im gunna say
im so . . . lifeless
im so unoriginal and not salted
i needa flavour i need to be
i feel liek ive touched thsi subject before so ima leave it
yes well im not doing so good in anything so ima try and do something worth while

Monday, May 25, 2009

my little black heart

took me forever to come up with that title
i like it
weeks gone pretty fastish
note to self my next title shall be actually no it wont but ill tell u what i wanted it to be anyways
dont break hearts and try to shake hands
from 'Let your spirit soar - The Morning Of '
have i blogged about how good ' if it means alot to you - A Day To Remember '
fucking sxc nigger song
its all like
til everybodys singing

monday i . . . . went somewhere then i had noodles with mum n sis

Tuesday i worked that was okay
Wednesday i worked again oh and Media excursion and work was pretty fun i started at front counter then i did dining then i worked in the kitchen which was pretty cool nyah

Thursday i . . . . um . . . .oh Hp i forgot why oh right steven and i was looking at clothes n stuffs
Friday i went hp again madeish steven come since i went with him on thurs then me n mish went to ngans place and then went jessies pizza in hope of free pizza (maybe it was just me ) then sat at park fo r a while then misshl went bus home and then stef came so ME, Ngan and Stefanche went to McDonalds for abit saw truong ONLY truong pretty disappointing but then yeah then we walked ngan home and me and stef walked home and split at Coles i think as Usual
Saturday me + other ppl went to Toni and Tonis Party ( i saw alice on the bus and then later sarah came on the bus and i almost missed the bus ) me and "the Boyz" went way early to tonis' party so it was pretty wierd boring obviously our fault then
we walkd to ardeer station, ordered two taxis only one arrived i jumped in the first one lucky coz the rest of the guys didnt coem til like 2 hours later ( mayeb not literally) i forgot and i cbf the rest of the night

Sunday i worked , bad idea not cool
oh fuck i almost forgot
On Satday night My sis's friend slept over (bonita) and i gave her my mattress and i slept on my bed without a mattress , not as bad as i thought i have thre blankets right and i folded one and put it on the bed then the next one i folded and then i put another on on top and i slept between the second folded one lol and i thought id wake up sore bu ti was alright

my mums like come sleep in my room im liek yeah . . . . . . sur e . . . .
my bed smells extra nice =]
ima add a photo just coz i can
btw im lagging Capped

Monday, May 18, 2009

how fucking dumb do you think i am

yeah you read right its a mother fucking angry ass blog
Fucking pissed
but it makes me even more fkn pissed that im pissed but it doesnt matter coz i dnt have a right to be angry
so ima let it go and bottle this up for another day
no chris im not referring to anything from maths
but yeha
Relient K - Give
referred by a sxc ladeehhh
ohhh fuck
why lie to me
actually ya didnt even lie
but fuck
i dont have anything
fuck it
FUCK IT , for now
lets just leave it
omgee chem hw
cbf die
fuck i need to smash something or someone
i needa take my anger out
but i know i wont im just gunna keep it bottled up until one day
when im strapped up and sitting in my cubicle
ill just scream it all out until the guards come in and sedate me with some shit
but at least ill be okay
and okay as in happy
oh shit happy
i dunno why but that word appeals to me
a feel good expression

shattered in a million pieces i am
im just a pile of nothnig that makes sense
jumbled up playing on shuffle repeat
where am i going
where am i now
what im supposed to do
everyone has a purpose right
i sure hope so
i really do
or else ill feel like im wasting my time
well ima be patient liek i always am
pretending theres not a problem in the world
life is good
if you believe you can do it then you can right
just let me fall to my knees and and think to myself for a minute
am i annoying (dontanswer it)
do i say hello enough
should i stop snobbing you off
am i good enough to be standing in front of you
have yu stopped judging me
are you looking down on me
do you believe in guardian angels
are we all just wastine our time
am i wasting my time
or mayeb yours
well im sorry
for fuck sakes
why does this bother me so much
why cant i scratch this fkn itch
why cant you put me out of my misery
i need to sleep this off
goodnight , friend.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

drink myself to sleep

well i havent blogged for liek a week ish exactly ??
i thnik
but anywas
im a bit busy or just not near teh computer
oh wait no i was going to blog the other day but then i was just staring at the screen
so i decided not to
abit brain dead then but yeh
lastest friday 15th of may
i liked it
except for the hill and teh warm fkn sprite pissing me out but the rest was pretty good
and probably only me
sigh sigh sigh
oh anddddd
i got a new fone WOOO W705 mmm
pretty sexayThanks mum
but anyways
i was hoping to cry yesterday you know let it all out like thiose ppl do
but no i did not get off my face friggen
maybe next time
i feel like a stooge but then like hrmm
dont worry chris ITS (not) ALL YOUR FAULT
i dont even know how to read it
but anywas
food was average but then i again i had an average ass meal
so my fault
what i do thsi week ??
mon: . . . forgot
tues: work FRONT COUNTER
Weds: train in the kitchen
thurs: went to docters with mum then hw . . ish
Ffri: WELL
first i was liek at school hten after school mums like i got u a fone im like woah
then i went home played with it and all tehn i went cafe, waited for liek an hour, took the tram to city on a packedish tram them i went mc waited for jackson then eric walked out on me lol then we went to eat ?? i think yeha?? then i went maccas to get em some BOOZE then went fed square to look liek hbo junkies then went flinders went sunshien then marias bummmmmed around then home and i saved chrisses ass from an epic trolley crash twice
oh got home mum kisses me shes liek u been drinking im liek fuck . . . .
but no biggeie
tehn friggen i was putting songs on my phone then it took a while so i laid down at liek 12 ish
nxt thing i know its 4 in the morning and my mouse is gone !!
so i connected my keyboard and shutdown with that and my phone is still half empty
im gunna miss my 6234
good bad sad depressing fuking unforgettable memories/conversation on that fone
now i have to delete all my messeges fuking hell !!!
but yes
good boys n girls
i shall go now
and clean this trecherous room of min eits fucking smells liek a . . . . . dump ??
in here
but yes good bye my lover,
goodbye my friebnd
i dunno the rest
hopefully next time i will wake wondering what i did last night
its all to much for me
i cant stand it anymore
my eye just twitched .

Sunday, May 10, 2009

normally i write teh title first but i cant think of it atm
i . . sometimes liek to picture me screaming on the top of my lungs
and then i fall to my knees
and that makes me feel kinda happier
coz i feel liek i just let it out
but only in my mind
so its not full satisfaction
whats that feeling when ur really angry and happy at the same time
but thenm its tight
no its evil
thats it
i think i like it
but i dont mind
whatever makes me happy
possible title candidate
but i like i t
i might live by it
but then its selfish
but its fulfilling
to me
whatever makes ME happy
but then im told i think of myself alot more then i should al ready so yeah
maybe i should try to be more selfless
FUCK i almost typed an emo ass shathang but then i bacspaced itso yeah dw
im still kool
chris ur a lil bit irritating
but ill be just fine
ill be just fine
ill be just FUCKING FINEE
i hope
i wish
i want
i need to be
not for anyone else but myself
oh and chris just so u know teh subject has cahnged all that just fine thing
im not liek going agro coz u wont open up to me btw in case ur thinking
oh shithis psycho
dw ive only killed once
. . . . . heheh
calm down
just let me lay down here for a while
its not like there any cars comnig
yet i never want to have anything to do with you
fuck just leave it alone
i cant
yes you can
omg i dont wanan finish this blog its so shit gnight fuckdzgshngoshzigbbye f

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Once Upon a Lie

by the sunstreak
loving it so fkn much right now
pretty excited for satday
but others are not
which pisses me off coz i dnt wanna be like forcing them'
but then ur friend on the other hand is looking ready to eat
and i must say that i AM HUNGRY
well ive been hungry for ages
which is shit
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
i wanna touch you
i wanna kiss you
i wanna feel you in my arms
i needa hold you
let me control you
maybe its right where u belong
- chorus of once upon a lie
mmmm orgasmic everytime i hear it
today i had :
business - bludge while watching nikkie nerd out liek wtf
lit - where we read and do super easy work that i still struggle to do
maths - fob fob FOB FOB eeqwaysin what ? thai angle ?? WTF is up wit you ?? pie what ??
eng - fkn i cbf so much all this persuasion stuff is kinda hard ish I CANT EXPLAIN FOR SHIT
mayday parade - if you wanted a song written about you all you had to do was ask
also sex song
i wanna get smashed off my face but then everytime i drink it fucks me up for liek a week so i dunno
im considering it
or maybe im just using as an excuse to not do my work
well whaterve makes you/me happy
omfg if i was 2 years older my life could not get anybetter
but no im stuck with 2nd best
but i guess i can deal with it
omg i think i got athing for a dancing girls
not pros but girls who dance to no music
i dunno
maybe it just makes me happy
but yeha
i shal blog about how i liek em on eday
but for now ima go
you know you . . . . oh wait thats chris' exit my bad
sigh sigh
im so retarded
holy shit i just thought of a really angry depressing kinda thang
ima change my nick now
but yeah gnight byeybybyeyeb

Friday, May 1, 2009

weaker and weaker with every smile you give me

Well I’m feeling quite mighty
It’s almost 10am on an alrightish Wednesday
I’m blogging at school i'm super doper bored and i’m typing this shit up on Microsoft word 03
Then ima copy paste this niggard on my blooger and xangahh
Since I can f7 this shit I will
Right now fix up my incorrect Thailish
Im in a pretty fuking good mood , . nah screw F7
Its not kool
Well I feel like a genius and an up myself bastard
Like damn
I needa get over myself like farrr
But yeah until then
. . . . . . .
Fuck you
Mmmmmmmm fucken
Well ima continyah dis shizzlat at home AIIGHT ??

continued 1st may 12 am
well actually it was a couple mins before but nayways
i liek my title
thought of it just then
IT WAS gunna be : everytime out eyes meet ,
but yeha i changed that shit NIGGA
fuck someone get me out of here
my chest is feeling tight and its getting harder to breathe
i made a big mistake the otehr day
but i dnt regret it
actually i kind of do but
gosh fkn damnit
its liek i like to see myself in pain
fucking hell i am retardededed
the answer is obviously yes
but fuck
tmro or should i say TONIGHT
ima drink my sorrows away
fuck what am i talknig bout i only have one
save those words - LIL EDDIE
mmmmmm im like dayum i can see the big picture
fuk am i foolish
you ask ??
no actually i did
well i dunno u have something to smile about ???
if u do plz share
fucked me over a thousand times over and over again
and i never learn my lesson
and who fucks me over ??
i fuck me over and i dunno why
fuck i need to get over myself
get over everything
or get over something
ive been laying/lying(sleeping of the floor) here for too long
and its time for me to get up
or at least crawl
just get me outta here plz
enough a dat shit
even though it will prob pop up again soon but naywyas
so far
julie said prob not
loan is trying but its a maybe
ngan YEAH
maria ?? prob
nikkay prob
sarah prob unless work pops up
alice if she can but she may be broke
and so will thao
tram maybe i think
steven yes coz i said so
michelle i think yes but short ass curfew
did i leave anyone out ??
on purpose ??
okay higlights of this week . . . . ?
work . . . no not really but then working with Thao n mai n matt was AIIGHT
omg i cannot stop lusting ____ shes like sighhh
im like droollsss
long ass blog fuck goodnight i seem liek such a loser
and it just clicked to me now that she was gonig to his house
coz she lives in cs and he lives in west sunshien and they are no wher near each otehr
fuck i think they are gunna do i t
i know it
fuckin lucky wait eww
no wat yeah lkingda
but ianyways i wass gunna say lucky bastard but im considering what im about to say anywyahs ima go now gnigjt
i needa post thsi piece of shit onto xaNGArgj
fuck i dont want to like you
save yourself
and ignor eme
coz i cant
hopefully your stronger than me