Monday, May 18, 2009

how fucking dumb do you think i am

yeah you read right its a mother fucking angry ass blog
Fucking pissed
but it makes me even more fkn pissed that im pissed but it doesnt matter coz i dnt have a right to be angry
so ima let it go and bottle this up for another day
no chris im not referring to anything from maths
but yeha
Relient K - Give
referred by a sxc ladeehhh
ohhh fuck
why lie to me
actually ya didnt even lie
but fuck
i dont have anything
fuck it
FUCK IT , for now
lets just leave it
omgee chem hw
cbf die
fuck i need to smash something or someone
i needa take my anger out
but i know i wont im just gunna keep it bottled up until one day
when im strapped up and sitting in my cubicle
ill just scream it all out until the guards come in and sedate me with some shit
but at least ill be okay
and okay as in happy
oh shit happy
i dunno why but that word appeals to me
a feel good expression

shattered in a million pieces i am
im just a pile of nothnig that makes sense
jumbled up playing on shuffle repeat
where am i going
where am i now
what im supposed to do
everyone has a purpose right
i sure hope so
i really do
or else ill feel like im wasting my time
well ima be patient liek i always am
pretending theres not a problem in the world
life is good
if you believe you can do it then you can right
just let me fall to my knees and and think to myself for a minute
am i annoying (dontanswer it)
do i say hello enough
should i stop snobbing you off
am i good enough to be standing in front of you
have yu stopped judging me
are you looking down on me
do you believe in guardian angels
are we all just wastine our time
am i wasting my time
or mayeb yours
well im sorry
for fuck sakes
why does this bother me so much
why cant i scratch this fkn itch
why cant you put me out of my misery
i need to sleep this off
goodnight , friend.


  1. *hint: if your not referring to me don't mention me on your blogs* I think I know what your angry about, but I won't say, you shouldn't keep things bottled up maybe you should talk to someone about it? not me if you can't trust me maybe ngan...i don't bloody know just at least have that someone to talk anything about. You never say hello kidding you annoying OB that was also another joke wow cracked 2 jokes I am so good. Well here's something sweet for ya How do you hurt lady gaga? You Poke Her Face LOL. wow long ass comment.
