Monday, July 27, 2009

whatever makes me happy

where do i go from here
dont just tell me
take me there
anywhere but here
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
welll im over my sorry phase
sorry jackson
but thats where ill stop
and begin my walk through thsi fucked up maze
called life
barely walknig though
id say crawling maybe
but not to your knees
more like away from them
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
infatuation kills
from the very begining
but ive been reckless
left with a heavy burden and a high price to pay
weak and broke
just fucking great
oh sorry please
hold ur chin up high and keep walking
dont let me disturb you
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
a pain in the arse
a bug in my skin
a chain around my neck
but it keeps me warm
and wanted, just dont pull to hard
or ill snap , hopefully. oneday
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
dw a rage blog is coming
but for now
ill just work on it
dont wanna regret too many words now do we
but yes i am stupid
fly now crash later
but i cant say i fully stand by teh words that come out of my mouth
i mean half of it is just to make you feel better
white lies and alibis
all we need
need, need, need
wants and needs
love and lust
revenge and hate
whatever the reason , the purpose
. . . what the fuck am i on about
would it make sense if i said we'll always want abitta both? no
open up and youll leave yourself vulnerable
ANOTHER one of the
lessons ill never learn
but why would i needa open up when
i already wear my heart on my sleeve
i cant wait til the day my heart bursts
ill scream everything ive always wanted to say
break the noses that turned away from me
bleed all the tears that never came out
and sleep until my dreams run dry
dw im not crazy
yet . until then goodnight and sorry to waste your time
and yeah im sorry i wasted mine
. . . . . .

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lets all play Pavis like a game, wanna Join ?

. . .
hahahah GRR ahahaGRRR sighh GRR
i dunno what to feel
what to think
yeah i am
i wont deny it
though i will work on it
feels like the only emotion i can show these days is anger
hateful i am
and i actually dont mind
but i know you do
but i wont change
not just for anyone
bipolar ??
hmmm maybe not yet
but yeha maybe
and btw victor this isnt fkn english class
so dont comment like a professor
on my list : drink until i have to get my stomache pumped
but no i dont plan on doing that at jacksons
that would be selfish
. itscold boxers undies and a tee
but ill be fine
i hope
. . . fuck. hope, the one thing we can always have
soemething that can never be taken away
but sometimes i wish i didnt
then id never be disappointed or broken down
piece by piece, bit by bit
i needa post a poem
no dont expect it to be good, just expect it to be by me
- - - - - - - -
we all make mistakes
some worse than others
we forgive and forget
but we all know
forgive just means lets talk
and forget means its unmentionable
we all have secrets
some darker than others
but we all know secrets arent meant to be kept
but is all encoding and decoding anyways
secrets are chains
burdens actually
alcohol may loosen it up
but tighten in the morning
but whatever
i dont even make sense anymore
but its okay
as long as i have you here by my side
oh wait . . . .

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

facts, hopes and fails

"when im around you im predictable"
fuck so contagious is so good sigh sigh
just thinking of chris' new blog title and liek fuck
i hate that thought, when its over and its too late and it hits you
like a fucking stab to the noggin
the words that would save the day
and make everything okay
or maybe im thiking of something else?
yeah probably
i side track quite alot and im so fucking shit at front counter
but no i will not sidetrack
not now anyways
but yeh im slow and shit with arguements
unless i know what im talking bout and im not in CBF mode
fuck i dunno if i can take it anymore
i feel like im gunna explode
but i really just want to breakdown
but i dont i just go to sleep
4 hours later, after the thoughts have worn me out
but im scared the things i want to say might not come out as i want them too
what if i fuck up , what if bad gets to worse , what if
there i go again
a question i dont want to know the answer to
but ill ask it anyways just to find a way to make me depressed
and draw attention to myself
but you know what
i dunno
i never did never will
if you want me to stay - neyo
yeah you leave me tongue tied and stuttering
and i can see it in your eyes
your enjoying my pain
but i enjoy making you happy
so i dont mind , no sacrifice no victory
. . noregrets.nolife.nofriends.nohope.noproblem
sif no problem you fucking dumbfuck
i got hw to do and my mum is nagging and my eyes are closing
and these thoughts that want to torture me some more
and scars
i wonder
sooner or later
ill see yall on satday
goodnight for now
sorry im a snob

Monday, July 20, 2009

today, tomorrow, or never

i cant wait to hate you
- the dream
my dreams
sighhhhh dighh
hopes up for friday
but doubting it
hmmmm i hope i have a good day on wednesday
=] . . . . yeahhh
a lil . . . i dunno worried
bout satday
liek :s
what could possibly go wrong ? right ? RIGHT !!
i hope i have fun
yeah thats how i think , EYE ME MYSELF
im such a snob like, fuck
you know those days when theres only one thing on your mind
and that one thought ruins your whole day
and its just a stupid thought but its an itch you cant scratch out
like FUCK . leave me alone
no wait no im sorry stay just a a lil while longer please
lets just lay down and watch as teh clouds cover teh stars
fuck. did you know.
did you fucking know. no fuck actually why the fuck am i blogging i got loads of hw yeah ill finish this one up another day bye for now
fucking IT, Mult media,eng,maths, fuck busman

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

dont want to wake up

well i "accidently" slept in . til 3 30 pm
first time i woke up i pressed teh snooze
second time, another snooze
third time i realised i was 5 mins late
cbf rushing
so i turned offf the alarm
and i dont regret it
i had a really good dream
i havent had one of those happy waking up dreams in a while so yeah
fuck that bitch
fuck this bitch
fuck em all
girls are like walking knives
they look all nice and shiny
but if you get too close they wil cut you open and spill your guts out
they were born to do it
iill stick to my butter knives thanks
yeha there i go again with my lady bitching
i shall fuck it . for now
my room is a mess
im a wreck and youre still ms ihaveeverythingiwantandneed
but yeha good on you
that pretty face
those skinny legs
that plump . . . . .
ima stop there before i jizz outta my mouth
harry potter this thurs . . . nyah kinda cbf
but the trailer looks FUCKING AWSOME
fuck i wish i was taller
i needa sleep
i was kinda half cleanin today
and i found a bueno in a bag on the side of my bag i was like WOW
i forgot about you
left it on my table
and fucking my sis eats it
im like WTF THERE WAS 2 bars
shes liek yeah i gave it to my friend
its called fucking sharing
and she fkn leaves a mess on my hw
cbf multi media hw
holy fkn shit
i rest my head on the desk in front of me and
it felt liek my body was rocking im like
wthhh, okayy
spinnin out
un motivated ?
and pretty fucking annoyed
yeha ima sleep fuck it
til then bitches

Saturday, July 11, 2009

is it raining or is it just me . again

i dont want to wake up anymore,
knowing that ill be thinking of you all day
but i have to. unless i had a toilet in my room
this was almost my title :
"for fuck sakes why cant it just go my way for once"
but then i thought no
fuk i had to dictionary wasting to check if it had an "e"
damn im fucking stupid
OH OH ohhhh shiiet
today confirmed :
and its . . . not as satisfying now that im typing it and thinking about what the FUCK I JUST REALISED
i hate my fucking slow proccessing
it always fucks me over fuck 10 hours later
fuck fuck fuckcufkczxhosdnpseuiobgv
godamnit this sucks
fuck the frgn ppl i asked for advice were all bloody wrong
and my hopes were built up to fall . AGAIN
and again and again
dont ask questions you dont want to know the answer to. ya fuckin
fuck did u know i never ever learn my lesson
i always LOVE to fuck myself over
and over and over again
i dont even know why i do it
and frgn i blog too much
i needa life
or maybe i should think positive
nah truongs alright
he doesnt even care when i bag him
i miss going to his house everyday
but yeha whatevrererereedrA
[ miserable at best ]
today i fucking played pokemon for a long ass time
and pigged out on pringles, gobstoppers,toblerone,
thins [light and tangy] and a chomp
frgn my stomache kinda hurts
but not that much so ill prob just shit it out later
ill be fine
well i was , or so i thought
gosh fucking damnit
spare me the memories

somewhere i belong

Thursday, July 9, 2009

i wish i didnt care

fuck i blog too much
i needa get a life
or a gf
lol i sound lieka fucking loser lol
no not fucking lol ur a fucking mess
a wreck
a fucking what was it muck yet ?
i dunno lost duck or some shit
but yeah
ice skating :S
crew outing zzzzzz
working with kyle today was quite awsome
but yeha
OMFG every single woman has proved me wrong + kyle
fuck all i needed to hear was yeah its all in your head kid
(well nto those words but other words that would imply that to me)
but fuck now im back where i started
standing in the middle of a crossroad
alone , lost and cold
but ive learned to call this place home
i just remembered thsi saying
"home is where teh heart is"
i think ^o)
oh well
nothing matters anyways
and it hasnt for a while now
i think im getting used to this shitty ness
i havent complained for a while
maybe ive out bitched myself
goodthing though
fuck, whats pride anyways
what song was it ?
nah fuck it
not worth mentioning
not now anyways
one day when someone asks how im doing
i wanna be able to say im doing fucking good
my life has never been better
and i wake up not thinking about you
or him or them or her with him
or . . . fucking hell
my room is messy
i havent touched my homework
my bank account is drained
my bin is liek fucking bagless
my dirty clothes are everywhere
i got glasses from last week still in my room
fuck i needa get myself togetherrrrr
clean my room
do something about all thsi shit gonig on in my head
well ima go waste time on somethnig else
thsi blogg is so wasted

Monday, July 6, 2009

running circles in my head

i have super powers . but i cant use them when im sober
mmmmmm i like that
im so clueless
i dunno what to do
i mean ive thought of this moment so many fucking times
over and over and fucking over again in my head
but then hey lets not get too ahead of myself
but then fuck what if im not
what if im just being stupid if i ignore this
maybe its all in my head
maybe its on your mind tooo
this is killing me
tearing me up inside
okay over statement
and maybe im gonig the wrong way about this
i think the blades have turned into butterflies
fuck i miss the butterflies
fluttering around in my stomache
but fuck i dunno
am i ready to be fucked over again
who the fuck do i turn to for advice now
even if time stopped for a thousand years
i think id still be contemplating,
questioning this dilema
fuck why now
of all times
actually its pretty good timing
but i feel its too early
too late
too little too late
i dont want to be the one with the weak end of this rope
i dunno if i cant take another beating
another stab to the . . . thing
women, sucha a confusing and ferocious race
oh fuck im stressing i dunno what to do
im jumping out of my skin
fuck what do i fucking doo
thank goodness for alcohol
i think im gunna end it with its all in my head
even though itll always be on my mind
until she gives up on me
but yeah
fuck if she gives up on me that would mean she was trying
im so fucking lost
fuck now im just blabbing
ima try sleep this off
give me strength

Thursday, July 2, 2009

desperation or despair

dear diary,
im feeling abit sick today and yesterday and the day before
but thats not gunna stop me
but i was thinknig
did i piss michelle off ??
regret no wonder yes
lol i cant believe i said that though
and i cannot believe how no one noticed anything LOL
maybe im always like that
but whatever
this year is quite confusing for me
but mainly because of the opposite sex
alotta highs n lows
but no real satisfaction
wait i take that back
no HIGHs just mediums and lows
but yeah it doesnt bother me too much
. . . . . . . I LIED
but yeah my fault anyways
but im way past that
or so i liek to think
"So Contagious" BY Acceptance
was watching heartbreak kid
and im like shit i can so picture myself liek that in the future
but i dont want it to be liek that
ill dread my life if it is
actually i already do dread it
does that even make sense
damnit diary sometimes i feel like your teh only one that listens to me
or maybe your just the only one i tell things to ?
or maybe your thinking of someone else
bu tit doesnt matter
as long as you pretend to be here,
i can pretend your listening
one day i will have to burn you
its not coz i want to bu ti have to
goodnight and goodbye