Saturday, July 11, 2009

is it raining or is it just me . again

i dont want to wake up anymore,
knowing that ill be thinking of you all day
but i have to. unless i had a toilet in my room
this was almost my title :
"for fuck sakes why cant it just go my way for once"
but then i thought no
fuk i had to dictionary wasting to check if it had an "e"
damn im fucking stupid
OH OH ohhhh shiiet
today confirmed :
and its . . . not as satisfying now that im typing it and thinking about what the FUCK I JUST REALISED
i hate my fucking slow proccessing
it always fucks me over fuck 10 hours later
fuck fuck fuckcufkczxhosdnpseuiobgv
godamnit this sucks
fuck the frgn ppl i asked for advice were all bloody wrong
and my hopes were built up to fall . AGAIN
and again and again
dont ask questions you dont want to know the answer to. ya fuckin
fuck did u know i never ever learn my lesson
i always LOVE to fuck myself over
and over and over again
i dont even know why i do it
and frgn i blog too much
i needa life
or maybe i should think positive
nah truongs alright
he doesnt even care when i bag him
i miss going to his house everyday
but yeha whatevrererereedrA
[ miserable at best ]
today i fucking played pokemon for a long ass time
and pigged out on pringles, gobstoppers,toblerone,
thins [light and tangy] and a chomp
frgn my stomache kinda hurts
but not that much so ill prob just shit it out later
ill be fine
well i was , or so i thought
gosh fucking damnit
spare me the memories

somewhere i belong

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