Tuesday, July 21, 2009

facts, hopes and fails

"when im around you im predictable"
fuck so contagious is so good sigh sigh
just thinking of chris' new blog title and liek fuck
i hate that thought, when its over and its too late and it hits you
like a fucking stab to the noggin
the words that would save the day
and make everything okay
or maybe im thiking of something else?
yeah probably
i side track quite alot and im so fucking shit at front counter
but no i will not sidetrack
not now anyways
but yeh im slow and shit with arguements
unless i know what im talking bout and im not in CBF mode
fuck i dunno if i can take it anymore
i feel like im gunna explode
but i really just want to breakdown
but i dont i just go to sleep
4 hours later, after the thoughts have worn me out
but im scared the things i want to say might not come out as i want them too
what if i fuck up , what if bad gets to worse , what if
there i go again
a question i dont want to know the answer to
but ill ask it anyways just to find a way to make me depressed
and draw attention to myself
but you know what
i dunno
i never did never will
if you want me to stay - neyo
yeah you leave me tongue tied and stuttering
and i can see it in your eyes
your enjoying my pain
but i enjoy making you happy
so i dont mind , no sacrifice no victory
. . noregrets.nolife.nofriends.nohope.noproblem
sif no problem you fucking dumbfuck
i got hw to do and my mum is nagging and my eyes are closing
and these thoughts that want to torture me some more
and scars
i wonder
sooner or later
ill see yall on satday
goodnight for now
sorry im a snob

1 comment:

  1. ease up on the abusive language but i didn't quite feel the aim of your blog
