Thursday, July 9, 2009

i wish i didnt care

fuck i blog too much
i needa get a life
or a gf
lol i sound lieka fucking loser lol
no not fucking lol ur a fucking mess
a wreck
a fucking what was it muck yet ?
i dunno lost duck or some shit
but yeah
ice skating :S
crew outing zzzzzz
working with kyle today was quite awsome
but yeha
OMFG every single woman has proved me wrong + kyle
fuck all i needed to hear was yeah its all in your head kid
(well nto those words but other words that would imply that to me)
but fuck now im back where i started
standing in the middle of a crossroad
alone , lost and cold
but ive learned to call this place home
i just remembered thsi saying
"home is where teh heart is"
i think ^o)
oh well
nothing matters anyways
and it hasnt for a while now
i think im getting used to this shitty ness
i havent complained for a while
maybe ive out bitched myself
goodthing though
fuck, whats pride anyways
what song was it ?
nah fuck it
not worth mentioning
not now anyways
one day when someone asks how im doing
i wanna be able to say im doing fucking good
my life has never been better
and i wake up not thinking about you
or him or them or her with him
or . . . fucking hell
my room is messy
i havent touched my homework
my bank account is drained
my bin is liek fucking bagless
my dirty clothes are everywhere
i got glasses from last week still in my room
fuck i needa get myself togetherrrrr
clean my room
do something about all thsi shit gonig on in my head
well ima go waste time on somethnig else
thsi blogg is so wasted

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